How to Reupholster a Golf Cart Seat


After seasons of regular use, your golf cart's seat may begin to show signs of wear and tear. If you're beginning to notice that your golf cart has seen better days, this step-by-step tutorial can show you how to upgrade your vehicle. As part of our Golf Cart Remodel series, we'll provide an in-depth look at all the steps required to reupholster the seat of your golf cart utilizing a marine-quality vinyl fabric.
Video Chapters:
  • Determining Fabric Required — 1:11 min.
  • Cutting Plates — 2:35 min.
  • Sewing Plate Sections Together — 8:47 min.
  • Cutting and Sewing Side Boxing — 12:40 min.
  • Stapling to Backer Board — 22:17 min.
  • Adding Cushion Underlining — 27:59 min
  • Materials List — 29:46 min.
Materials List:
  • Morbern™ Hexx 54" Vinyl Fabric - Item #120347 (discontinued)
  • Morbern™ Allsport 360º 4‑Way Stretch Chalk 54" Vinyl Fabric - Item #104180
  • Tex 90 White UV Bonded Polyester Thread 4 oz. (1,350 yds.) - Item #100079
  • Cushion Wrap Silk Film 54" - Item #103933
  • 21 Gauge 3/8" (10mm) Staples 10,000/Box (Stainless Steel) - Item #8010SS
  • Cushion Underlining White 54" Fabric - Item #768100
Tools List:
  • Sailrite® Clear Acrylic Ruler 6" x 24" - Item #102400
  • Tack & Staple Remover - Item #104319
  • Tape Measure 120" - Item #102986
  • Sailrite® Self Healing Double-Sided Cutting Mat 24" x 36" - Item #123113
  • Comfort Grip Rotary Cutter 60mm - Item #965511
  • Deluxe 5-1/2" Magnetic Sewing Guide - Item #103597
  • Sailrite® Ultrafeed® LSZ Walking Foot Sewing Machine - Item #311602
  • Gingher® 8" Scissors - Item #19104 (Right Hand) / #19105 (Left Hand)
  • Sailrite® Long Nose Upholstery Staple Gun - Item #121411
  • Scratch Awl Yellow - Item #235411
  • Marker, L-Square, Tape Measure, Pencil, Needle-Nose Pliers

Here at Sailrite®, we’ve got the supplies and tools needed for you to create your own professional-looking, custom golf cart upholstery that will last for years to come.

For a more tailored look, our design will explain how to incorporate a beautiful two-toned racing stripe down the center each seat and how to make boxing that is sewn into the cover. This tutorial will cover how to sew the plates (top panel) and boxing (side panels) of a golf cart seat, but the back rests will be covered in an additional video, “How to Reupholster Golf Cart Back Rests.”

How to Reupholster a Golf Cart Seat 2

To begin our project, we’ll first need to measure the length and width of the seat, including the material wrapped underneath the backer board. If you decide to use only one color of fabric for your seat, 1 yard may possibly work, but we recommend purchasing 2 yards of fabric, or 1 yard of each color if you decide to recreate the style we’ve chosen in the video.

In crafting the striped design for this tutorial, we’ve used Morbern™ Hexx Vinyl Fabric, which has a high-luster finish with a micro-hexagon design for a sleek and modern appearance. For the white parts of our seat, we selected Morbern™ Allsport 360º 4-Way Stretch Vinyl Fabric. Morbern marine and automotive vinyl fabrics are fantastic for outdoor cushions on a golf cart due to their exceptional water, stain and cold weather resistance. They’re also easy to clean with soap and water, so you never have to worry about dirt or grass while you drive! We offer a wide selection of high-quality vinyl fabrics perfect for your golf cart, so feel free to browse our website to find one that works for you.

Most, if not all, golf cart seats are stapled to a backer board. We’ll be attaching the entire sewn fabric assembly to the backer board using the Sailrite® Long Nose Upholstery Staple Gun (#121411). This powerful, lightweight staple gun has a comfort handgrip and a long nose ideal for tackling hard-to-reach areas of upholstery. It makes any project a breeze! Finally, to give our golf cart seat a finished look (even on the bottom side), we’ll also be stapling a cushion underlining fabric to the backer board using these staple guns. You will only need 1 yard of cushion underlining material in addition to your vinyl seat fabric.

By the end of this tutorial, your reupholstered golf cart seat will be the perfect professional-looking addition to spruce up your vehicle. How do you cruise the course in style? Show us your finished golf cart upholstery projects in the comments; we’d love to see them!