Ultrafeed® Sewing Machines — Common User Errors


We know sewing doesn’t stop on the weekend. In fact, that might be when most of you are sewing. Unfortunately, Sailrite® can’t be open 24/7 to take your phone calls and emails. During regular business hours, our support staff is on hand to answer your calls and emails, help you troubleshoot your machine, and send you Ultrafeed® support videos should you need them. So, we thought we'd share with you our most popular support videos.

There are three very common issues people experience with their machines: threading the needle, needle installation and needle strikes. These are all very common user errors. If you are having trouble sewing, chances are it's one of these common user mistakes. Luckily, they are all very easy to correct. We cover all three topics in this blog and provide support videos so you can solve these issues yourself and get back to what you love — sewing! In these videos we show the Ultrafeed LSZ, but the techniques in these videos apply to the LS as well.

Ultrafeed Sewing Machine Common User Errors 2

How to Correctly Thread an Ultrafeed

The first step when starting a sewing project is to thread your sewing machine. However, this can be a confusing process for new sewers or new Ultrafeed owners. This short video will show you how to properly thread your sewing machine so you can get off to the right start with your project. Be sure to pay attention to how the thread is passed through the eye of the needle from left to right — that is very important.

If you’re not sure what size needle and thread to use for the material you’re sewing, please reference our "Thread and Needle Recommendation Guide" (#300032XHT). This downloadable chart will be your go-to guide for successful sewing projects! We have other blogs on thread size (#300088XHT) and thread material (#300134XHT). And be sure to check out our blog, "The Ultimate Guide to Sewing Thread" (#300422XHT) for everything you need to know about thread!

How to Properly Install a Needle

When you’re ready to replace your sewing machine needle with a fresh one, you might be a bit confused on how to do this properly. We recommend replacing the needle every time you switch to a new cone of thread — either because you’ve used it up or you’re switching to a new thread size. The video below will show you how to remove your existing needle and install a fresh one facing the correct direction.

How to Fix a Damaged Cap Spring

If the needle strikes something hard on the machine when the needle is fully or partially through the fabric assembly, it either struck the needle plate, retaining ring or the gib hook. This can occur when you pivot the fabric assembly as the needle is entering the fabric. It can also occur when switching from zigzag to straight stitch when the needle is buried in the fabric or when moving from forward to reverse in a stopped position when the needle is buried.

If you continue to sew after a needle strike, it will result in the thread shredding, balling or breaking. It can even result in skipped stitches. You need to stop sewing and check the cap spring and hook for possible needle strikes and burrs. This is not an uncommon sewing issue, especially for new sewers. Luckily, our video will show you how to inspect your machine’s internal parts and polish and remove any burrs to get your machine back up and running.

Watch the video below to learn how to fix a damaged cap spring and remove burrs from your machine’s internal mechanisms.

If you’re experiencing other issues with your Ultrafeed Sewing Machine that aren’t answered in the videos above, take a look at this list of other sewing machine maintenance and troubleshooting blogs. Our goal at Sailrite is to solve all your sewing issues and get your machine back up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible!

  • "Tension Issues With Sewing Machines — Common Mistakes" (#200138XHT)
  • "Sewing Problems & Questions" (#200285XHT)

For Additional Support

If you are still having trouble with your Ultrafeed and the above videos and blog resources do not help, you can contact Sailrite Support. To start a support case, go to Sailrite.com/support and fill out the online form. A member of our highly trained support staff will review your case and respond to you via email as soon as they can. You can also email our support staff directly at support@sailrite.com. Both avenues of contact are monitored closely and we will respond to you as soon as your case has been reviewed and assessed.

At Sailrite, our mission is to bring our customers not only the highest quality products but also the top-notch service and support our reputation has been founded on.