Canvas Repair: Snaps & Grommets
Installing snaps, fasteners and grommets can be a tedious task. This is why it can be disheartening when one of your fasteners fails and rips out. Today in this second part of our canvas repair series, we’re going to discuss how to replace failed grommets and snaps. If you missed the first post in our Canvas Repair Series, check it out to learn about patching rips and tears.
Repairing Ripped-Out Snaps
Often, when a snap rips out of the canvas it’s installed in, it means that it originally wasn’t set securely enough. When setting snaps, make sure that they don’t spin in the canvas. If you think your snaps might be in danger of ripping out, a good preventative measure is to tighten them by re-crimping the rivet. This is especially easy with the Pres-N-Snap® Tool. If your snap tears out completely, sew a small patch of canvas over both the inside and outside of the cover over the tear. Then reinstall the snap.
Fixing Grommet Troubles
If you have a rip caused by a grommet that pulled out, you can repair the fabric and replace the grommet to fix it up. If your fabric is starting to rip around a grommet that’s failing, you should cut out the grommet and the fabric and repair the whole area. Installing a new grommet in ripping fabric will be a waste of a grommet. To repair where the grommet was, you’ll need to recreate the thickness of the fabric and sew in an appropriate patch. A good hold for a grommet should be at least three layers of fabric. Then you can install a new grommet.
Find new snap fasteners and grommets and everything else you need to repair your canvas right here at Sailrite®. Want to learn more about canvas repair? Check out the other two posts in our series about restitching seams, zippers and more and fixing rips and tears.