Cutting Cushion Foam Using Electric Kitchen Knife


Are you looking for an inexpensive way to cut the foam into shape for your next upholstery DIY? Believe it or not, the answer is probably in one of your kitchen drawers. An electric kitchen knife is a perfectly reasonable way to cut foam to the size and shape you need for your upholstery project.

In our short video, we’ll show you how to make a variety of cuts with a standard electric kitchen knife. Making a straight cut across a length of foam is easy by using a ruler and marker to mark your cut line. If you need to make an angled cut, simply do the same and have a second person help you with the cutting process. One person holds the knife and keeps it angled correctly while the other one — making sure to wear a thick utility glove for safety — holds the top of the blade to keep the angle steady. Make sure your fingers are not near the teeth when holding the blade as it saws. This method may be a little risky, but if done very carefully, it makes a nice and sharp angled cut and saves you from having to buy a foam cutter.

Lastly, we show you how to create a curve in your foam by cutting a small wedge from the foam at the opposite side. Then glue the open edges of the wedge together with a spray adhesive to create a permanent curve in your foam. Start by cutting a smaller wedge and checking the curve of the foam. You can always cut a deeper wedge if you need a more dramatic curve. It’s as simple as that!

As you can see from the video, using an electric kitchen knife is a simple and convenient way to cut foam with satisfactory results. However, if you plan on doing a lot of upholstery work, or if you’re looking for very professional looking cuts with crisp and clean edges, we suggest you consider investing in a top-quality foam cutter. The Sailrite® Blade Foam Saw is a dual-blade foam cutter that cuts through all types of foam with ease and precision. One stationary blade grabs the foam and keeps it steady while the moving blade saws, creating less bounce and cleaner cuts than single blade cutters.